A Person Without Shadows Is no Person

A Person Without Shadows Is No Person

You have Surely heard the story of the man who sold his shadow to the devil for a goodly sum. "After all, what is more useless than one's shadow?" the man thought
 But he soon became painfully aware of the consequences. Because he had no shadow, people away from him, because as something weird and dangerous.
A person without shadows is no person. Psychologists speak of shadows that belong to our life, by which they mean our shortcomings and faults. A person who does not admit that his life has a shady, thereby denies responsibility.
The person who always denies having any faults and imperfections is like a person who runs himself to death trying to run away from his shadow.
Here is s piece of good advice: take your shadow along as a travelling companion. It will be a step in the direction of more honesty, more self consciousness, and more humanness. 


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