

A missionary bound for India sat one evening in his cabin feeling miserably seasick. Suddenly he heard the cry, "Man overboard." On the deck above he heard the trampling of feet as the crew rushed about to locate the man in the water.

"What can i do?" the missionary asked himself, and thought that he would simply be an obstacle if he went on deck. As he kept asking himself that question, he noticed the lamp swinging from the ceiling. He unhooked it and held it near the small porthole of his cabin so that it might shine on the water near the boat.In a moment, he heard a shout above, "There he is."

Not until the next day did he learn that the light of his lantern fell directly on the man struggling in the water. With the help of that light they threw a knotted rope to him pulled him to safety.

A word, a prayer, a sacrifice-may be little light to another

                                                                  Pastor Paterno


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