

Years ago a little boy was born to wealthy couple in New York City. He had poor eye-sight, and his health was so weak that he could not even attend school like other children. Neither could he join in their games. He wanted especially to play football, but that was out of question.

One day when he had begged and pleaded to be allowed to join in some of the rough games of other boys. he was told again that his health would not permit it. It was then that he declared, "I am going to be strong, no matter what the doctor says, I will exercise this weak body until i become an athlete."

And exercise he did, Slowly at first, but with increasing effort and success, despite early discouragement. When he was a young man, he went out West and lived the rough and rugged life of a rancher, spending several hours a day in the saddle. So respected and lobed was he by the other cowboys that they joined his cavalry regiment in the Spanish American war; it became famous as the "Rough Rider".

That man was the 26th president of the U.S.: Theodore Roosevelt.

                                                                    Msgr. Arthur Tonne


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