Your Example
Your Example
I was aboard a large jumbo jet and we ran into some very rough weather. Despite the size of the plane, we were being tossed about like a kite
My seat companion was a little nine-year old. It was his first experience in the air and he was turning all kinds of co-lours. Suddenly he looked up to me and said. "Aren't you afraid?"
I smiled and replied, "No. This is real fun
An immediate change came over the little fellow. Fear and tension left him. Then he, too, had fun.
This taught me real lesson in living. What that boy detected in my voice, what he read in my face, helped him get over that rough spot in life. How many people during times of trial watch my face for some encouraging sign!
My face and my life must give courage to others.
"Let your light shine before men," Christ advised in Mt 5:16.
Norman Vincent Peale
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